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How to get a library card
All residents of Ohio are eligible to get a library card. To apply for a library card, a patron must show a form of ID that has name and current address, e.g. driver's license. If the patron is under 14 years of age, a parent or legal guardian must be present to sign the application. All information on the application is strictly confidential.
Hours and Location
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10-5
Tuesday and Thursday 10-6
Saturday 10-2
96 Home Ave, Woodsfield, OH 43793
740-472-1954 (phone)
740-472-1110 (fax)
Fines & Fees
Overdue fees for books are 5 cents per day per book. Magazines and audio books are also 5 cents per day. DVDs & Blu-Rays are $1.00 per day per DVD and/or Blu-Ray. Hotspots are $1.00 per day. In order to check items out of the library, your library card can not have more than a $5.00 balance on it.
Lending Policy
1. All patrons must have library cards to check out books, including children.
2. Parents must sign children's application cards if children are under 14 years of age.
3. Replacement cards will cost $2.00.
4. Books go out for one week and three weeks depending on the newness of the book. Magazines go out for one week except the most current one, which stays in the browsing area.
Meeting Room & Gazebo
1. Only light refreshments limited to the use of the cooking unit—no extra appliances.
2. No alcoholic beverages.
3. Closing hour for groups not to exceed 11:00 p.m.
4. Room may be used for small social events at discretion of librarian.
70,000+ books (fiction, nonfiction, adult, children's, young adult)
Movies (adult and juvenile)--in DVD & Blu-Rays
Books on CD (adult)
Movies (adult and juvenile)--in DVD & Blu-Rays
Books on CD (adult)
Large Print
Magazines (140+ titles)
Large Print
Magazines (140+ titles)