Internet Use Policy

The Monroe County District Library provides free public access to the Internet, a medium that offers a wealth of educational, recreational, and cultural information for Library users. Because the Internet is a vast, unregulated medium, the Library cannot control and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of information accessed over the Internet.
The Library uses filtering software to block access to some Internet sites.  Filters are not foolproof: sometimes filtered sites may slip through; other times filters may block unintended sites. As with any library materials, it is the parent or legal guardian of minor children who assumes responsibility for supervising access to the Internet resources in the library. Access to or display of obscene language and sexually explicit graphics as defined in section 2901.01 and 2907.31 of the Ohio Revised Code is not permitted.
While accessing the Internet at the Library, users must comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws. Users may not attempt in any way to alter, damage, or sabotage computer hardware or software (practices known as hacking) and will be financially responsible for any malicious damage to hardware or software. The Library is not liable for any damage to a customer’s disk , computer or any other items that may occur from use of the Internet at the Library; nor is the Library responsible for any liability that may occur as a result of the disclosure of financial or other personal information while accessing the Internet at the Library.

The Library may limit the amount of time of individual user sessions on the Internet and may charge a fee for printing from the Internet.

The Monroe County District Library is not responsible for Internet connections that are temporarily unavailable due to technical difficulties.
Users playing games may be asked to give up their terminal to someone needing to do research when the library is busy.
Failure to abide by these policies may result in suspension of Monroe County Library services and privileges.