Won't You Be My Neighbor Day

  Dates & times
  • Thu, 03/07/2024 - 8:00am
  Category Other
  Age Groups


Spend the day doing random acts of kindness!! Mr. Rogers spent many years telling us about the people in our neighborhood! Now is the time to get reacquainted with the people in your neighborhood! Who is your neighbor? Not just the person that lives beside you! Anyone that needs a helping hand, a friendly face, something to make them smile! THAT is your neighbor!
So join the fun! This is an online event where you can share your random acts of kindness! You can also share a memory of your favorite Mr. Rogers show!!! Post pictures showing your "neighbors", or post a story about what you did to show kindness.
Anything that makes someone smile! Opening a door, carrying groceries, sending a card, saying a prayer...... there are so many things we can do.
 This link will take you directly to the event! https://fb.me/e/4OC6p6Wpq