Home Page

Front of the library
 A cartoon tiger and lion sitting by a stack of books with the words Story Time above them.
People dancing and wearing headphones
Different colored puzzle pieces being put together

Ohio Web Library Search Results

hits > 0){ foreach ($xml->results->result as $result) { $author = $result->author!=""?$result->{'author'}:"n/a"; $description = $result->description!=""?$result->{'description'}:"none"; $output .= "
Source: ".$result->source."
Author: $author
Description: $description
"; } $output .= "
See the full list of results at the Ohio Web Library"; }else{ $output = "No results found"; } } ?>
Database Search:

Internet Use Policy

The Monroe County District Library provides free public access to the Internet, a medium that offers a wealth of educational, recreational, and cultural information for Library users. Because the Internet is a vast, unregulated medium, the Library cannot control and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of information accessed over the Internet.