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Front of the library
 A cartoon tiger and lion sitting by a stack of books with the words Story Time above them.
People dancing and wearing headphones

Monroe County Veteran Tells of His Experiences in West Berlin During the Cold War

 Gary Hogue, Army veteran, will recount his experiences in West Berlin in the early 1960s. Hogue  was trained as a cryptographer, one who decodes and encodes messages. In addition, he worked with other military members and White House staff to prepare for president Kennedy‘s visit to the city.

This program will be held Thursday, January 30th at 1:00PM at the library. Please call 740-472-1954 to RSVP. You DO NOT have to RSVP to attend.

Board of Trustees

Judy McIntire, President
Ashley Schumacher, Vice-President
Dorothy Babcock
Kate Steed
William E. Frank, Jr., Secretary
Sandy Wade
Ken Stewart

The Monroe County District Library Board of Trustees will meet at 10 A.M. on the second Friday of the following months: January, March, May, July, September, November and December unless changes are otherwise published or posted.  The meetings will be held in the meeting room at the library.